Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Let the Games Begin!!

Today is the first of the three day 'World Education Online Games'. We have been practicing for this big event. It is a global challenge for all students around the world in Spelling, Math and Science. Click on the link to find out more about it World Education Games.

Watch our video of the second graders competing in 'World Spelling Day'.  The students have been playing against other students from New Zealand, England, Turkey and many other countries.

Go Superstars!!!!!!!!!!!

Make a video of your own at Animoto.


  1. Hello,
    We also tried the World Education Games this year. We enjoyed doing the spelling and math. The science was really slow bringing up new games so we got tired of waiting. We'd read our books and work on our Flat Stanley's which went on their way to Australia today while we waited. We enjoyed the practice days. Did other classes at your school do them? We were the only ones doing them at our school.

  2. Hello Roadrunners and Mrs Todd,

    We had fun participating in the games. Three classes in our 2nd Grade participated as well. We had trouble getting in to the science games so we didn't get to compete in them. My class really enjoyed the games and were excited to play against students from all over the world. What great initiative!
    That's great about your Flat Stanley project. Maybe we could do something with our classes. I know we work in the same county but it is great to be able to communicate with other students within our own district. My class loves reading Flat Stanley too.

  3. dear mrs lologa.thank you.for being my teacher it has been very fun posting stuff on our blog then watch it on the computer.thanks to you i could maybe skyp people in new zealand and speak in mouri.its been cool skyping your freinds that you know.dale and kristy seem really nice.i wish i lived in new zealand.
